For performances since 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1997 1996 1988
Cooky hiding from the camera as we haven't negotiated image rights.
Cooky and his unique bowling style
Roger got cramp, we all laughed
Douglas Bader has taken up umpiring!
Cooky tries to bat the overs out.
Cooky refuses to pose until image rights are negotiated.
Cooky bowls his quicker one!
Cooky chalks his tip
Cooky takes aim, probably missed
How tall is Pete?
Not sure Cooky plays a lot of golf
Nige and Roger take a stroll
Baz steams in off the long run
Cooky hoiks it
Cooky looks a tad windswept
Our side that took on North Devon
Cookie sporting his new tache
The skipper in the dressing room
Cooky as enthusiastic as ever in the field
Cooky keeps those spinning fingers warm
Roger bowls his flatter delivery
Cooky varies his delivery by bowling one from in front of the stumps
Baz offered Colin 3-1 on an Ibstock win or tie, Colin didn't take it.
Cooky and Lois inspect the Bradfield track
Cooky, Lois and Harrop have a stroll around the boundary
The boys relax mid stroll
Trigeer and Captain Cook return from their wander
Cooky wields the willow
Cooky plays forward
Cooky plays a sweep whilst attempting the splits
Cooky makes his way back in.
Pete forgets to look
The side that took on Bradfield
Nice bowling Trigger. The more eagle eyed will have spotted Phil Pritchard
Billso gets to grip with his balls, whilst Cooky scratches his arse
Shouldn't 2 of you be down the other end?
Billso wasn't bad at bowls
The Sandie Shaw of Bowls
Billso and Gaz had plenty to aim at after Sully and Gaz had their go.
Trigger was just happy to be out
Not sure these 4 knew the rules
Carol takes to bowls
The tourists go for a feed
The tourists dine at the top table
Treacle Feet knocks Cooky on his ass
The side that beat Cromer, to secure an unbeaten tour.
Bayliss & Cookie look on
Non-Crazy Golfers!
More of the team
Time for tea...
Three wise men...?
More musings...
Where's Roger?
The assembled team
The team + Chihuahua
The team - chihuahua
Cooky is to golf what Wayne Sleep is to Heavyweight Boxing
Cooky and Mr Flip Flop are poised for another wasp kill.
Pub Chats
Bayliss regrets his choice of seat
The 'Golfers' prepare... Nonchalent Billso
Roger's unorthodox technique