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TF (sight restored) shows the full face of the bat
One to many coca colas i think Bick!
Dave magnanamous in victory
Alex 'Jimmy' White vs Dave 'The Bandit' Needham
His winning shot was far more spectacular
When asked can you play pool Dave said no, he won the comp. Bandit.
How tall is Pete?
Not only a bandit at Pool but also at Golf
Fred and Treacle Feet in the field
Dave "The Bandit" Needham, guess what he turned out to be good at paintball as well.
Fatigues are quite slimming aren't they!
TF, Umar and The Tiddly staying as far apart from each other as possible
Thorpedo and Treacle Feet are joined by loyal non playing unit members Usain and Foxy
Curt offers his opinions in the quest for the stranded aerobie
Dangerous Dave Needham during his innings of 26
The game saw the unveiling of the clubs new gazebo
Dangerous Dave Needham in the field
Trig, Gok and Ned in the nets
A pre match net for Treacle Feet
Frank and Treacle Feet opened the innings
Dave puts a stride in
Looks like a good shot
TF makes his way back to the hut
Pete forgets to look
The side that took on Bradfield
The tourists go for a feed
The tourists dine at the top table
Coxy in the field for beach cricket
Pople steams in flanked by the coloured beach huts
Dave frees his arms, out 1st ball.
Treacle Feet knocks Cooky on his ass
Ned gets the run out.
The side that beat Cromer, to secure an unbeaten tour.