AGM Minutes

Cosby Cricket Club


Annual General Meeting  -  November 13th 2017

Cosby WMC


Meeting opened at 19.40hrs, the following members were present;


Pete Sullivan, Steve Bickle, Nigel Meredith, Roger Cook, Chris Pople, Matthew Bills, Mark Newitt, Duncan Clarke, Curtis Hollaway, Colin Bills, Tony Parris, Ash Pepper, Jim Roberts, Lewis Todd, Mike Collins.


Apologies from;


Phil Edwards, Nick Symonds, Michael Whitehead, Chris Jones, Simon Suffolk, Simon Larke, Gavin Young, Ian Snowden.


Minutes from 2016 AGM were unanimously accepted.



Chairman’s Report


Members in attendance were welcomed and thanked by Pete Sullivan (PS).

PS passed on thanks to all who attended for their efforts during 2017, and in particularly…


-           All team Captains, especially Lewis Todd (LT) and Roger Cook (RC) for their contributions .

-           Chris Pople (CP) for the incredible improvement he has made as treasurer

-           Phil Edwards (PE) for his studious secretarial duties

-           RC and Andy Gray for their horticultural expertise on the ground

-           Mark Newitt (MN) for  arranging the new senior playing kit

-           Apex and Tithe Barn for kit sponsorship

-           (Thanks were returned to PS by attendees for the new junior shirts)

-           Georgia Parris and friends for the lovely teas

-           The social committee for being sociable

-           The Bulls Head for their continued support

-           All players / members who have contributed in many ways during the year


PS described how the club had improved in attitude against the previous year, which was mirrored on the pitch. Playing standards and performances rose, and particular note should be made to LT and RC for getting teams out each week.


PS was especially pleased with the alternative events which the club held. In particular the Paella night, run by The Parris catering corp

PS did note he would like to see more players contributing off of the pitch.



Treasurer’s Report  


CP gave full analysis of income and expenditure throughout 2017. He was ecstatic to note that income into the club had risen sharply from 2016 to approximately £13k from £9k.  This was helped considerably by the captains being more efficient in collecting subs / memberships / kit monies. CP offered warm thanks to the captains.

CP did make a point that the club has £800 which due to be paid to Lawrence to aid his recovery.


Duncan Clarke (DC) acknowledged the tremendous improvements CP has made to the treasurer’s role.


PS asked for the accounts to be accepted. DC proposed, Ash Pepper (AP) seconded.



Membership Fees


PS raised the question of  membership fees for the coming year. He put to the floor the idea of keeping the same amounts as 2017. These values are…


            Yearly  Adult membership               £35

            1st & 2nd Team Match Fees               £10      Concession £5

            Sunday Match Fees                           £3        Concession £2

            Midweek Match Fees                                    £3

Junior Membership                           £60*

Kwik Cricket                                       £10*


  • These fees are a one off annual payment covering all matches and net sessions


Ground Report


PS thanked RC and AG for their continued tireless work on the wicket and the ground in general. All attendees supported his comments.


RC said he is pleased with the condition of the wicket after the extended works completed after the seasons end. The new seed is growing well.


CB stated the outfield is in poor condition, largely because of football and rugby activity.


RC purposely didn’t cut the outfield post season to discourage further football use.


Captain’s Reports


LT reported a mixed season with close matches lost, some won from difficult positions. He was very pleased with the players positive attitude and efforts for the entire season. LT particularly thanked RC in his support in providing players from the 2nd’s when required.


PS thanked LT for the improvement he made from the previous season.


RC reported a good solid year, saying the team was competitive against all but the top 3 sides. The team enjoyed some excellent wins, and managed to field a side for every match. He thanked the support of junior players and their parents for their contribution to the cause.


PS thanked RC


Matt Bills (MB) stated the midweek team had enjoyed some good results, and some not so good when the team came up against a couple of superior sides. The midweek season was interrupted by matches being frequently rained off.


PS thanked MB for stepping in and running the side.


MN said the Sunday side enjoyed a few entertaining days, especially the Kibworth match when the team recovered well after a few tactical errors! The team however provided a good platform to allow younger players to gain some longer matches with senior players. MN thanked the senior players for their support towards the side.


PS thanked MN for arranging the Sunday team.


PS stated that all junior age group teams were entered into local leagues. The U17 side had to be pulled out due to lack of availability. Other clubs had suffered the same fate. Exams was a major influence.


Kwick cricket team played 3 or 4 tournaments. PS thanked TP for getting players from the village school.


U11’s played a number of matches early in the season, then suffered from unavailability during the holiday season. PS pointed out that more players are needed.


AP reported the U13’s had a fantastic season, winning their league and getting to the county final. The winning run they enjoyed proved to be a real tonic for the players and their enjoyment of the game.


PS congratulated AP for the team’s success. Especially the performance in the semi final of the county cup.


U15’s side had a positive season, especially considering they were short of players in the correct age bracket. The team was valiantly supported by players from younger age groups, and performed admirably.


AP said it would be a good idea to advertise for new players around new housing developments. RC pointed out this would be a good thing to do in the new year.


PS thanked RC for his continued attendance to help junior players.


TP was extremely pleased to report that his side had finished 2nd in their league.


Nigel Meredith (NM) congratulated TP for passing his coaching exams.



Election of Officers


ROLE                           NOMINEE       PROPOSED     SECONDED     ELECTED


President                    Bruce Sampson         RC                   CB       Bruce Sampson


Chairman                   Pete Sullivan              DC                   CP        Pete Sullivan


Treasurer                  Chris Pople                AP                   NM      Chris Pople


Secretary                    Phil Edwards             MN                  DC       Phil Edwards


Club Captain              Lewis Todd                JR                    SB        Lewis Todd


Vice Captain               Jim Roberts                LT                   CH       Jim Roberts


2nd Team Captain      Roger Cook                MB                  DC       Roger Cook


Vice Captain               Duncan Clarke           RC                   AP       Duncan Clarke


Sunday Captain         Ash Pepper                DC                   TP       Ash Pepper


Midweek Captain       Matt Bills                    CP                    DC       Matt Bills


League Rep                Chris Pople                PS                    MN      Chris Pople


Child Welfare             Sophie Parris             AP                   NM      Sophie Parris


Committee Members           


Colin Bills, Steve Bickle, Mark Newitt, Curtis Hollaway, Tony Parris, Nick Symonds, Simon Larke, Mike Collins




Honorary Life Members


Ken Needham; Ray Julian; Chris Jones



Any Other Business


Committee meetings to be held 1st Monday of each month at Cosby WMC 8pm


CP reported a vote in Leicestershire regarding moving to win/lose cricket was 75% in favour and 25% against. Details to follow.


PS mentioned junior teams need to be entered.


Fundraising to be spoken about at the next meeting (Monday 8th January)


Balls need to be ordered


Communication.        TP requested contact details etc need to be updated. MN to update personnel lists during the winter/early spring. PS noted the website needs to be updated to aid communication.


Code of conduct.       To be put in the back of the handbook by NM/CP. CH proposed a copy should be placed in the changing room.


Teas.               Georgia Parris is willing to continue next season.


Player Advertising.    DC asked who is filling this role. AP mentioned the club should be promoting itself in Whetstone to take advantage of new resisents. This issue is to be discussed in January.


No further business


Meeting closed 9.02pm